The efficiency of one, the talent of three.

Why look elsewhere?

Developer, founder, and innovator, I blend technical expertise and creativity to deliver impactful solutions. As the creator of, an educational platform, I am dedicated to leveraging technology to inspire and effect positive social change. Passionate about making a difference, I bring vision and functionality to every project.

Available for new opportunities


Things I get asked a lot

What services do you offer?

I offer a range of services including: - 💻 Full stack web development - 📱 Mobile development - 📲 App development for iOS and Android - 🤖 AI services implementation - 💼 Consulting - 🌐 SEO and social media marketing

Can you teach me how to make a website?

I don't offer courses at the moment, but I can recommend resources and advice to help you get the most out of your learning.

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